Mando Solutions

How to Hire Reliable Construction Staff

The success of construction and mining projects hinges on professionals who know and love their work – but recruitment in these industries is, frankly, only going to get more difficult over time.

CTB forecasts that 251,500 additional construction workers will be needed in the UK by 2028 to meet the expected levels of work. Meanwhile, the UK’s mining sector is also facing a widening skills gap, with a drastic drop-off in mining graduates in recent years.

As fewer young people enter the UK construction and mining workforce, more employers will start to feel a skills crunch, regardless of broader business demand. To keep projects running, you may need to get more strategic in attracting and keeping people with key skillsets.

Here are a few strategic tips for construction and mining recruitment in any season.

Understand Your Future Needs

Effective forecasting can help your business run a more considered and less hasty construction recruitment process, which in turn nets you more reliable candidates.

More construction businesses are anticipating an upswing in workloads, as RICS data shows, with a net balance of +24% of companies now expecting an increase in total construction activity over the next year (up from +12% in Q4 2023).

Whilst many large businesses do produce forecasts on their future workforce needs, it’s sometimes easy to let this aspect of business planning slip when other operational issues take centre stage.

We recommend employers conduct workforce planning on a regular basis (e.g. every quarter or six months). This planning can involve identifying which projects are in the pipeline and which positions are needed for specific project phases. Then you can determine other key factors such as the split between contract and permanent roles, the duration of assignments, and the hiring budget.

Write Crystal-Clear Job Adverts

Writing a clear job ad serves several purposes. When they’re written well, they can attract people with the right skills and weed out people who might not be cut out for the role.

The key to a clear and effective job description is to articulate exactly what is expected of someone in the role, without making it overly long and boring. Rather than having it read like an HR document, instead aim for a short and sharp breakdown of the job title, responsibilities, required qualifications and experience, along with working conditions and a pay/salary range. 

When outlining the responsibilities, it’s best not to sugar-coat any aspect of the job. You want applicants to fully understand what will be expected of them in the role (without scaring them off, of course).

It goes without saying that writing compelling job descriptions is a big part of what we do at Mando Solutions. If you’re looking for support to take this off your hands, you know where we are!

Competitive Pay and Job Security

We might be stating the obvious here, but it’s a fact of construction and mining recruitment that skimping on pay doesn’t make for a reliable workforce! Competitive pay rates and salaries remain the top considerations for candidates and many new hires will quickly look for greener pastures if they feel they’re underpaid.

During periods of low business demand, it’s worth keeping in mind that as output begins to rise again, employers might face higher costs to attract the right people for their projects.

Before you start hiring, researching current contractor rates and salaries in the market is a sensible approach. Consider offering additional non-pay benefits (such as performance bonuses or rewards programs) that can sweeten the deal for top candidates without breaking the bank.

Working with a trusted recruitment provider with years of experience in your industry can give you access to current and accurate going rates and salaries, giving you a better position to negotiate from. 

A Safe & Positive Work Environment

Workplace cultures that emphasise safety, respect and the wellbeing of employees are more attractive to potential employees – and have higher levels of staff retention, which is a double whammy benefit for any business aiming to keep hiring costs under control!

At Mando Solutions, we’re big believers in the impact that safety and values can have on work sites. With competition for good candidates likely to remain tight, those with skills in high demand can afford to be choosy about who they work for. Often, one of the deciding factors for a candidate will be workplace culture.

To highlight how important safety is in your workplace, you can emphasise points like the company’s safety record, values and initiatives on your company’s website, when advertising new positions and in interviews with candidates.

Work with a Reputable Construction Recruitment Agency

Engaging a specialist recruiter with deep knowledge of your industry and a clear commitment to safety will open your door to many more reliable employees for temporary and permanent positions.

Reputable construction recruitment agencies will have a proven track record of delivering staff for projects.

When you need to hire quickly to cover an unexpected gap, for specific projects or a permanent team, high quality construction recruitment agencies can save you loads of time and money.

We look after all the administration, including payroll and timesheets, verifying worker licences and credentials, and background checks. That’s in addition to reviewing CVs and interviewing candidates to create a shortlist for your review.

Get Construction Recruitment and Mining Labour Hire Support Today

By investing a little more time and effort into pre-planning before you start recruiting, you can avoid the headaches associated with hiring unreliable staff.

Don’t let staffing challenges slow down your projects. Partner with a reputable construction recruitment agency like Mando Solutions to ensure you have access to reliable, skilled workers for both temporary and permanent positions.

Contact us today to discuss your needs and discover how we can help you achieve your project goals efficiently and effectively.

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